The Official Let Sparks Fly Travel Guide

No more stressing about travel do’s and don’ts! We’re excited to announce our new Travel Guide! The travel guide offers insight on preparation techniques for your upcoming vacation!
Enclosed you will find the following:
1. Travel Packing List: This checklist helps you decide what to pack for your travels.
2. Travel Packing Tips: Indeed, the anxiety of figuring out what to pack (and how to make it all a fit) can put bit of a damper on your pre-getaway excitement. To the rescue: Whether you’re someone who starts packing a week ahead of time or waits until the last minute, these hacks will ensure that your favorite travel dress doesn’t get wrinkled and you have plenty of room for souvenirs.
3. Wardrobe Travel Planner: Do you ever get tired of packing for a trip and trying to remember everything? I do. I got tired of forgetting to pack something I really wanted to wear or trying to remember what to wear on which day/event. The Wardrobe Travel Planner helps you to think about the things that go into choosing an outfit – you pick what to wear each day by assessing the weather and what you’ll be doing.
4. 101 Travel Etiquette: Traveling is always enjoyable–especially when you’re visiting a new place. But sometimes the excitement can get the best of us and result in some not-so-exciting consequences like insults from locals or jail time. The way things are done in the United States isn’t always how they’re done in other countries.
In fact, most people have very different ways of living their lives. In this guide, we’ll go over everything you need for your next trip so you can be equipped with the travel etiquette do’s and don’ts.
5. Uncommon Travel Tips: What are some of your all-time favorite travel tips? Not leaving the packing for the last minute and emailing important documents. But I bet you haven’t heard of these uncommon travel tips before. Consider this your list of hidden gems!
6. 30 Day Travel Checklist: You’re 30 days away from departure. Are you ready?? Probably not! No worries we got you covered. The 30 Day Travel Checklist will help dot the i’s and cross the T’s!